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The Dialect and Standard Language: Definition, Characteristics and Differences

“The dialects ” and “ the standard ” are the varieties of language. The development of different varieties in language is the result of the constant change of language. The language changes as long as it exists giving birth of different varieties. Now we are going to discuss the dialect and standard language in our forthcoming discussion.     The definition of Dialects The definition of  the standard language  The Characteristics of Dialects The  Characteristics  of  the standard language Difference  between    Dialects and  the standard language  Click Here to Download Printable version of the Note or Click top right corner of the preview of the document.

Language: Definition and Characteristics

Language is one of the most obvious ways in which human being differ from other animals. Human beings use language to communicate with one another, to express/ reveal their imaginative expression as well as emotional release. It is the most comprehensive means of communication in the human society. Now we will firstly try to know the definition of language; then the characteristics of it. Definition of Language:  Characteristics of Language:  Language is primarily vocal   as, in the beginning, it appears as vocal sounds only. Human language differs from animal   communication Human language is more structurally complex   than animal communication.   Language is a form of social behaviour   as its learning is only possible in the society Language is a symbol system   where words stands for the objects. Click Here to Download Printable version of the Note or Click top right corner of the preview of the do...