· Analyze Robert Harrick as a Cavalier poet with reference to the poem ‘Delight in Disorder’. · Describe the poetic style of the poem ‘Delight in Disorder’ by Herrick. · Give a critical appreciation of the poem ‘Delight in Disorder’. · How does the poet find delight in disorder? Discuss. ‘Delight in Disorder’ is an exquisite poem of English literature by the Cavalier poet Robert Herrick (1591-1674).The poem attracts the heart of every reader by its lyrical quality and harmonious end rhyme. In the poem, the poet expresses his feelings of extreme happiness derived from the disordered dress of a woman. Now we are going to discuss……….. Let us now discuss the ‘ Cavalier Poet’ . Actually the world “Cavalier’ derived from ‘ Carolus ’, the Latin version of Charles. The reign of Charles I (1...
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